Oracle Integration Cloud Pricing
The pricing of Oracle Integration Cloud is based on the data which is transferred to and from from the Oracle Cloud Services.
The data is measured in Message Packs.
The message pack metric means that pricing will be based on a certain amount of messages transferred per hour .
1 Message Pack = 5000 Messages
A Message is defined as up to 50KB (Kilobytes) of in-and-out transmission from/to the Oracle Cloud Service.
Definition of a Message and MessagePacks
- A message also called as billing message (M, for simplicity) in OIC is defined as data transfer up to 50KB
- Any messages over 50KB in size must be counted as multiple messages, with each 50KB or portion there of counting as equivalent to one message (e.g., 320KBwould be counted as 7 messages)
- The messages are sold in increments (or “packs”) of 5,000 per hour
Table of Contents
Oracle Integration Cloud Pricing based on Message packs

Oracle integration cloud pricing depends on the message pack transfer.
The definition of a message for OIC can be found on the OIC pricing page as well the Oracle PaaS and Iaas Universal Credits Service Descriptions document.
This message pack metric means you pay a certain amount per hour based on the amount of message packs your environment needs to process all requests.
Oracle Integration Cloud Service – Standard Allows 5K Messages per hour
Oracle Integration Cloud Service – Standard – BYOL Allows 20K Messages per hour
“In-and-Out Transmission” Messages
OIC only counts an in-bound message to the cloud service as billing message,
These include:
- The initiating request message to a service.
- The response message into OIC from calls made to other services (over the 50KB limit)
- If an inbound initiating message is greater than 50KB, the number of messages (M) consumed is the inbound message size divided by 50KB, and rounded up
- When the integration makes calls to other services as part of orchestration or enrichment, the first 50KB of the reply message( that is the message that is entering OIC ) is free.
Become an OIC Architect
- This is a OIC bundle course including PCS From K21 Academy.
Covers: Provisioning OIC | Connectors | Agents | FTP Adapters | File Adapter Database Adapter | SaaS Adapter (Salesforce) | Troubleshooting | Customer Case Study | Security | Monitoring Integration
With 11 Lessons on PCS and 12 Lessons on VBCS.
2. Oracle Fusion Technical Training with OIC/PCS/VBCS on Udemy
A Good Training Overall!
3. Oracle integration cloud platform course on Eduonix
The course will help you to prepare for the 1Z0 1042: oracle cloud platform application integration specialist exam.
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What if the message size is greater than 50 KB
If an inbound initiating message is greater than 50KB, the number of messages (M) consumed is the
1. Inbound message size divided by 50KB, and rounded up
What is the difference between standard or enterprise?
Oracle Integration Cloud has 2 offerings Standard and Enterprise.
The difference is in the number of features/components available.
How does Oracle calculate the message count?
When an instance is provisioned, by default a message packs of 1 is selected. The customer will be charged 1 msg pack/hour for the new instance – whether the messages pack is being used or not.