Oracle Integration Cloud
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How to Enable Business Event in Oracle Fusion
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How to Enable Business Event in Oracle Fusion

Oracle Fusion ERP Cloud business events helps us to know what transaction has happened in Oracle Fusion. During integration, you can subscribe to a business event to trigger a downstream application from Oracle Fusion. Let's look at an example with OIC. suppose in a use case you have to create an order in ...

Date Comparison in OIC: Oracle
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Date Comparison in OIC: Oracle

Date comparison is a common requirement when working with Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC). However, users often encounter challenges and errors while attempting to compare date values within OIC. I The Problem: Developers face issues when comparing two date values within a conditional statement in OIC. ...

How to Call BIP SOAP Service in OIC
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How to Call BIP SOAP Service in OIC

This is a frequent requirement in OIC , sometime you need to call BIP SOAP service in OIC to do integrations. The reasons can be The Rest service of the business object is not available You have a custom Requirement based on a custom data set So here are the steps to call a BI publisher SOAP ...


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Oracle Integration Cloud Adapters
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Oracle Integration Cloud Adapters

Oracle Integration Cloud Adapters are used to connect to different hybrid applications. OIC provides many adapters . Let us see them in brief. What are adapters Adapters are required when the application or service we want to interact is unknown or are not compatible for consumption. When we have adapters ...

SOAP UI error Loading WSDL| java.lang.Exception: Failed to load url
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SOAP UI error Loading WSDL| java.lang.Exception: Failed to load url

Sometime when working with SOAP ui you get this error loading WSDL with message java.lang.Exception: Failed to load url. Its very frustrating that even after repeated tries this eror does not go off. Few thing to try out the resolve this error are Check if the Proxy is enabled . If yes Disable or ...

Data Stitch and set global variable in Oracle OIC
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Data Stitch and set global variable in Oracle OIC

During the course of your OIC orchestration process builds many times you may need to set global variable in Oracle OIC to design the logic and implement the business case. It is not uncommon in processes. Local and global variables are quite an important feature in any programming language Oracle ...

Create Sales Order Rest Api Sample Payload Oracle Fusion
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Create Sales Order Rest Api Sample Payload Oracle Fusion

Below is the Create Sales Order Rest Api Sample Payload to create Sales order in oracle Fusion The Rest API URL is Basic Order Creation Json Payload { "SourceTransactionNumber": "PS_REST_324", "SourceTransactionSystem": "OPS", "SourceTransactionId": "PS_REST_324", "TransactionalCurrencyName": "US ...

Download AP Invoice Attachment to OIC| UCM Attachments
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Download AP Invoice Attachment to OIC| UCM Attachments

In this post, lets see How to Download AP Invoice Attachment to OIC using the ERP integration service and using the ERP object attachment service. The test cases below is based on hardcoding the document id you can use this as reference to add this logic by dynamic mapping based on your integration scenario. ...

Oracle Integration Cloud Pricing
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Oracle Integration Cloud Pricing

The pricing of Oracle Integration Cloud is based on the data which is transferred to and from from the Oracle Cloud Services. The data is measured in Message Packs. The message pack metric means that pricing will be based on a certain amount of messages transferred per hour . 1 Message Pack = 5000 ...


Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC)

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