Oracle Forms Interview Questions|2021

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Before we see Oracle Forms Interview Questions let’s get some background. Oracle Forms is a great UI development tool from Oracle Corp and has been in use for decades. It is very useful to develop on-premise custom screen for transaction handling and processing.

Oracle forms was also called developer 2000 in early days and releases like forms 6i and forms 9i were major.

Now with web technologies taking precedence oracle forms also run via java runtime and can be easily rendered in internet browsers.

Considering forms being widely used stand alone and with Oralce Ebusiness suite customizations, Forms skills are still in demand. And as many customers may prefer moving there existing applications to cloud infrastructure , developers with this skill will be needed.

So lets see some Oracle Forms Interview Questions which are being asked or can be framed around in 2021 and after.

Latest Oracle Forms Interview Questions| 2021

Frequently Asked

What are the sequence of firing triggers?

The sequence of firing in forms is:


Can you use DDL commands in forms runtime?

Yes, By using FORMS_DDL

What are the forms runtime modes?

Normal mode, Query mode.

How to display a modal window?

Modal windows can be displayed by using ALERT command.

What are Form Parameters?

Form Parameters can be used to call forms at runtime with specific values which are used in forms execution.

How do you create dependent value sets?

By using $Flex$ we can reference parent value set.

What is difference between Post-form-commit and post-database-commit trigger?

The post-form-commit trigger fires after the transactions with inserts, updates, and deletes have been posted to the database but before the transactions have been finalized in the issuing the command.
The post-database-commit trigger fires after the oracle form issues the commit to finalized transactions.

What are the triggers created when creating master details block?

The 3 triggers created are
On_clear_details and

What are user-defined triggers? How do you execute them?

User defined trigger are custom trigger which we can give a custom name. These triggers need to be explicitly called with execute_trigger9trigger_name) command.

What is Form Personalization?

Form personalization is used in EBS to to some basic changes to the form functionality without customization.

Explain Zoom Functionality in Forms?

Zoom is a standard function that can be used to call a new form from a form.
We need to customize CUSTOM.PLL with condition that if it’s true make zoom available.

How to achieve zoom functionality using personalization?

create a custom menu with when new form instance trigger and add SPECIAL to actions which calls the target form.

How do you reference an item from another block?

We need to give :block_name.item_name in the pl sql code.

References : Oracle forms documentation

suggested reading : What is EBS Integrated SOA Gateway module

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