User Posts: wpsbutton

Attention: Get ready for the next cyber attack - - the one you are going to get if you don't provide Cybersecurity Training for employees to defend themselves ...

What is Data Breach in Cyber Security?

If you're reading this article, chances are that you've heard of the term "data breach." and trying to understand more about , "What is data breach". This ...

Biggest Data Breaches in the Cyber World

What Is Data Breach? A data breach is an event where sensitive information such as customer information, financial information, or medical records are ...

Oracle Integration Cloud Adapters

Oracle Integration Cloud Adapters are used to connect to different hybrid applications. OIC provides many adapters . Let us see them in brief. What are ...

Logging and Troubleshooting in Oracle VBCS

If you are using Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service, then you might want to check out these tips on how to do logging and troubleshooting in Oracle ...

SOAP UI error Loading WSDL| java.lang.Exception: Failed to load url

Sometime when working with SOAP ui you get this error loading WSDL with message java.lang.Exception: Failed to load url. Its very frustrating that even ...

Extending Oracle SaaS Cloud Applications with Oracle VBCS

Here is a great tutorial from Shay Shmeltzer on Extending Oracle SaaS Cloud Applications with Oracle VBCS Oracle Visual Builder is a cloud service that ...

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