Looking for OIC Interview Questions? Be here. Oracle integration cloud is a hot product from Oracle and is picking up steam in the IT integration market. I have seen a dearth of skilled workforce in many companies and there is a big demand for OIC resources. Oracle OIC previously known as Oracle ICS ( Integration Cloud Service) was also known as oracle autonomous integration cloud at some point.
Though doing a Certification is one way to get the required knowledge, job interviews are not limited to certification questions.
If you are from an EBS background the questions would be more varied and it gives scope for the interviewer. Do go through and brush up on oracle apps technical interview questions.
The expectations would also be around understanding enterprise architecture, which may consist of PaaS, SaaS, and OnPremise applications. The scenario can be of having cloud products from different vendors. I can recommend a small Course around Enterprise architecture to build that understanding.
Here I am going to share 45+ Oracle Integration Cloud OIC Interview Questions, Some typical and not so simple which Candidates can prepare and Interviewers can frame around during interviews. So let’s get started !!
Table of Contents
Most asked OIC Interview Questions
1. What are the products within OIC?
Integration Cloud , VBCS (Visual Builder Cloud Service) , PCS ( Process Cloud Service)
2. Is OIC PaaS , SaaS or IaaS ?
The interviewer wants to test your understanding here. OIC’s old name was ICS and it was started as a PaaS Service. Later most of the Platform Services are now part of IaaS. Definitely not SaaS
refer https://www.oracle.com/index.html Click on products to check the latest hierarchy
3. Can Oracle Integration Cloud be used to integrate with non-Oracle applications?
Yes, Oracle Integration Cloud can be used to integrate with a wide range of non-Oracle applications and data sources, including popular cloud applications such as Salesforce and Workday, as well as on-premises systems and custom applications.
4. What are the types of Integration Patterns?
App Driven, Scheduled Orchestration, File Transfer, Basic Routing, Pubish to OIC , Subscribe to OIC
5. What is the difference between Trigger and Invoke Connection?
Trigger – It can only trigger . Trigger and Invoke Can invoke from inside the process as well
6. What is the Difference between Rest and SOAP API?
At High level Rest is light weight and reduces the load on network , more user friendly, supports different formats. SOAP is heavy , Full object has to be send for communication . Refer to the article Rest Vs Soap API for more details.
7. What are the prerequisites for OIC to read a Business Event from Oracle SaaS?
Business Event should be enabled from SaaS
CSF Key of OIC needs to be registered in SaaS Soa Composer
OIC process should have subscribed the specific Event in SaaS
In some cases Fusion SaaS Certificates should be imported in OIC
8. What is Service Catalog URL of Oracle Fusion SaaS?
This is a WSDL URL used in OIC connections to fetch the list of services available. The newer versions of OIC do not need this URL now. The domain name can be directly used.
9. What is the difference between a template parameter and query parameter?
The template parameter is the part of the Rest API path and denoted by {variable} whereas Query parameter is query string appended after the question mark “?” in the rest API url.
10. Have you Used Adapters? Why and when do you use Adapter instead of direct Rest or SOAP Call?
Adapters make calling specific business services easy as they expose the required services with all the security measures. The connection can only call the services to which it is authorized to.
11. What is a feature Flag in OIC?
To enable disable certain features which are still not part of mainstream GA application.
12. What is Opaque Schema?
When you just want to write/read the file as binary. Opaque schema can be used.
13. What is the use of package in the OIC?
We can use package functionality to group different processes which are part of a business integration flow. example if you have 3 flows being executed for a integration these 3 can be packaged so thats its easily identifiable and can be exported as a single package zip with 3 processes. Deployment also becomes easy.
14. Is editing XSL mappings allowed? Have you ever modified XSL mappings in OIC?
XSL mappings can be modified externally and can be uploaded as new maps. The integration process gets locked if an XSL modified outside is uploaded.
The newer release provides the capability to edit xsl in OIC mappings design view directly.
15. You are given an old integration IAR to be imported and when you do you get a function error, How do you fix it?
Some old functions may be deprecated or there can be namespace issues. Generally, xsl file needs to be corrected with the correct function and namespaces which the OIC can understand.
16. What is NameSpace in XML file?
Namespace defines and identifies uniquely the elements in the Payload.
17. When do you need an Agent to be installed?
Generally when connecting to on-premise Databases. Agent provides a secure tunnel to connect to target.
18. When do you need an Agent to be installed?
Generally when connecting to on-premise Databases. Agent provides a secure tunnel to connect to target.
19. When should we choose a scheduled orchestration over app driven?
When source payload is not available immediately Scheduled orchestration is used. This will not be realtime or near real-time. AppDriven integrations are better for realtime flows.
20. What are Synchronous and Asynchronous Processes?
Synchronous- Fire and Wait for response
Asynchronous- Fire and Forget.
21. What is Callback functionality in OIC?
To call the OIC process back after the control has moved to a partner service.
22. Types of Certificates in OIC ?
Identity Certificate
Trust Certificate
Message Protection Certificate
23. What is Lookup in OIC?
lookup are used to store the corresponding values from two system talking to each other. For example supplier number on source application is equivalent to vendor number in target application . We can have this mapping stored as lookup in OIC.
24. In the OIC mapper, you do not see your expected fields. What do you do?
Try expanding the nodes using right-click show extended types attributes link.
25. What is iCal Expression?
iCal Expression is a calendar script to schedule the integration processes.
26. Is there any message payload limit during processing in OIC? If yes how much and how do you handle larger files?
10MB is the limit . For payloads greater than that chunking has to be used.
27. How do you read a file of size 500 MB in OIC ?
Till 10MB You can read and process in one go. For file > 10 MB it has to be downloaded using ftp adapter to stage and choose “Read File In Segments” in stage file operation.
28. How do you Poll for files in OIC?
File adapter doesn’t support polling for now.
29. What is the structure of JSON payloads?
JSON payload is in form of Key : Value Pair.
30. Please explain the structure of Rest API metadata.
A high level It has the information of operations and payload structure.
31. Describe the structure of the WSDL
The basic structure is
Definition ( Name of service)
TargetNamespace ( Namespaces for identification of elements)
DataTypes ( schema Datatypes)
Messages (Data Elements)
Porttype (Operations)
Bindings (Protocol and data format)
service (Port address(es) of the binding)
32. How do you create CSF key ?
Go to url https://<xxxxyourdomain.com/soa/composer. Login and Hit on mange keys. There is a format where you need to use the identity domain. its combination of identity domain with service instance.
33. What do you do when you need to change your source and target connection of a deployed process without disturbing the integration?
There are rest services to alter the connections URL.
34. Which products you have used to integrate and explain your business scenario.
Explain what you did in your integrations.
35. Which activity in OIC can be used to trigger Parallel Flow?
Parallel Flow like Flow N from BPEL is not yet available in OIC.
36. I need a process in OIC which returns a payload. Please explain the Design.
Explain the Request and response method and the rest adapter capabilities. While designing your integration you need to specify the request payload and the Return (response) payload.
37. Did you use BIP web service for integrations with fusion SaaS?
Explain How BIP data is used . Report Bytes Form. The BIP service is used when a custom reqirement is needed and there is no standard service for the business case.
38. What is Base 64 Encoding?
And encoding format which has to be decoded using decode functionality. The BIP SOAP service returns data in base 64 encoded format. To read it we need to decode using base 64 decode operation.
39. What is Publish to OIC and Subscribe to OIC?
Pushing payload messaging to OIC message queue and Reading payload messages from OIC message queue.
40. What are Error handling Features?
Exception handling is available as fault handlers. Scope activity can be used to handle faults in OIC
41. You need a custom repeatable logic in OIC to be used in multiple processes. How to achieve?
Create a custom function in javascript in add to Library.
42. What is Asserter?
Asserter recording can be used for understanding the execution. This is now deprecated by oracle and not recommend to be used.
43. How to rerun a failed OIC process?
From the Tracking menu failed processes can be rerun.
44. Which other integration platform you have worked? What are the key differences compared to OIC?
Explain differences with any if you have worked. Like SOA Suite, MuleSoft etc.
45. What do you understand by Enterprise Architecture?
You should be able to explain the homogenous cloud, hybrid cloud, community cloud. how it can co-exist with existing applications of an enterprise. What are the options for Lift and Shift? How OIC fits in where. Check out some suggested courses at the end of the article.
46. Which Blogs do you follow to keep yourself updated on Oracle OIC?
Example: Oracle’s blog at https://blogs.oracle.com/integration/
47. What is the use of Data Stitch activity?
It can be used to enrich the payload, assign global variables in the orchestration process.
48. What are the new features in OIC in 2022?
Asserting Recording is decommissioned.
49. Which books on Oracle OIC you have read or planning to read?
There are some books on Oracle integration cloud by �?Robert Van, Phil walkins..
50. what are the differences between OIC gen 3 and OIC gen 2?
There is a new better UI in OIC Gen 3. Be aware of the changes in Oracle doc.
What is the difference between Scheduled integration and App driven orchestration?
Scheduled orchestration process can not be triggerd based on an event in oracle fusion, while app driven orchestration can be based on a business event.
Scheduled Process cannot accept a Rest payload while app driven can accept rest payload.
How do you create Global variables in OIC
We can use data stitch activity to create and assign global variables.
How to create Rest Proxy using OIC?
You can create a oic process with trigger as rest adapter and inside the process call the SOAP adapter to call soap service , the response on soap can be mapped to response of the rest adapter process.
Final Thoughts
These were some of the oracle integration cloud interview questions, hope you got an idea. Thanks for reading!
Also, Check out
Do read the different Cloud deployment models.
Good Luck!