Most asked Golang interview questions

Go (also known as Golang) is a programming language developed by Google in 2009. It is a statically typed, compiled language that is designed to be easy to learn and easy to use. Go is known for its simplicity, concurrency support, and efficient memory management. It is often used for building web servers, distributed systems, and command-line tools. Go has a strong and growing community, with many open-source libraries and frameworks available for use.

Golang interview questions and answers

What is Go?

Go is a programming language developed by Google. It is statically typed, compiled, and concurrent.

What are the key features of Go?

  • Statically typed
  • Concurrent
  • Garbage collected
  • Fast compilation
  • Easy to learn and use

What are the advantages of using Go?

  • Great performance due to static typing and compilation
  • Concurrency support built-in
  • Good support for parallelism
  • Garbage collection reduces memory management overhead
  • Easy to learn and use

What are the disadvantages of using Go?

  • Limited static type inference compared to other languages
  • Lack of a generics implementation
  • No exceptions for error handling
  • Limited reflection capabilities
  • Limited support for object-oriented programming

What is a Goroutine?

A Goroutine is a lightweight thread of execution within a Go program.

How are Goroutines different from traditional threads?

Goroutines are multiplexed onto multiple OS threads so they can be more efficiently scheduled. They are also much lighter weight than traditional threads.

What is a channel in Go?

A channel is a way to communicate between Goroutines. It can be used to send and receive values.

What are the types of channels in Go?

There are two types of channels in Go: unbuffered and buffered. Unbuffered channels block until both the sender and receiver are ready. Buffered channels can hold a fixed number of values in a buffer and do not block until the buffer is full.

What is the syntax for declaring a channel in Go?

The syntax for declaring a channel in Go is: โ€œvar channel chan Typeโ€ or โ€œchannel := make(chan Type)โ€.

What is the syntax for sending a value to a channel in Go?

The syntax for sending a value to a channel in Go is: โ€œchannel <- valueโ€.

What is the syntax for receiving a value from a channel in Go?

The syntax for receiving a value from a channel in Go is: โ€œvalue := <-channelโ€.

What is a closure in Go?

A closure is a function value that references variables from outside its body. The function can access and modify the referenced variables.

What is the syntax for declaring a function in Go?

The syntax for declaring a function in Go is: โ€œfunc functionName(parameters) returnType { }โ€.

What is the syntax for a function with a variadic parameter in Go?

The syntax for a function with a variadic parameter in Go is:

โ€œfunc functionName(parameterName โ€ฆType) returnType { }โ€.

What is the syntax for a function with a multiple return value in Go?

The syntax for a function with a multiple return value in Go is:

โ€œfunc functionName(parameters) (returnType1, returnType2) { }โ€.

What is the syntax for a function with a named return value in Go?

The syntax for a function with a named return value in Go is:

โ€œfunc functionName(parameters) (returnName returnType) { }โ€.

What is a struct in Go?

A struct is a composite data type that groups together different values to form a single entity.

Some advanced Go Golang interview questions and answers

What is the difference between a pointer and a slice in Go?

A pointer is a type that holds the memory address of a value. A slice is a data type that represents an array that can grow or shrink. A slice is a reference to a portion of an array, so it is similar to a pointer. However, a slice has additional metadata associated with it, such as a length and capacity.

How is a map different from a slice in Go?

A map is a collection of unordered key-value pairs. It is implemented as a hash table and is used to look up values by key. A slice is an ordered collection of elements. It is implemented as an array that can grow or shrink.

What is a map literal in Go?

A map literal is a shorthand notation for creating a new map and adding elements to it. It has the form: โ€œmap[keyType]valueType{key1: value1, key2: value2, โ€ฆ}โ€.

How do you delete an element from a map in Go?

To delete an element from a map in Go, you can use the โ€œdeleteโ€ function. The syntax is: โ€œdelete(map, key)โ€.

What is a type assertion in Go?

A type assertion is a way to access an interface valueโ€™s underlying concrete value. The syntax is: โ€œvalue, ok := element.(Type)โ€. If the value is not of type โ€œTypeโ€, the value of โ€œokโ€ will be โ€œfalseโ€.

What is a type switch in Go?

A type switch is a construct that allows you to compare the dynamic type of an interface value with multiple types. The syntax is: โ€œswitch element.(type) { case Type1: โ€ฆ case Type2: โ€ฆ }โ€.

What is a select statement in Go?

A select statement is used to choose from multiple communication operations. It blocks until one of the operations is ready to proceed. The syntax is: โ€œselect { case <-channel1: โ€ฆ case <-channel2: โ€ฆ }โ€.

How do you declare and initialize a constant in Go?

To declare and initialize a constant in Go, you can use the โ€œconstโ€ keyword. The syntax is: โ€œconst constantName Type = valueโ€.

What is a blank identifier in Go?

The blank identifier in Go is an anonymous placeholder. It can be used to ignore the value of an expression or to create a variable that is not used. The blank identifier is represented by the underscore โ€œ_โ€.

How do you import a package in Go?

To import a package in Go, you use the โ€œimportโ€ keyword. The syntax is: โ€œimport โ€œpackageNameโ€โ€. You can also use a alias for the package by using the syntax: โ€œimport alias โ€œpackageNameโ€โ€.

How do you create a custom package in Go?

To create a custom package in Go, you should create a directory with the package name and put the packageโ€™s Go files in it. The packageโ€™s Go files should have a โ€œpackageโ€ declaration that matches the directory name.

What is the difference between โ€œdeferโ€ and โ€œpanicโ€ in Go?

โ€œdeferโ€ is a keyword that is used to execute a function after the surrounding function returns. โ€œpanicโ€ is a function that stops the normal flow of control and begins panicking. โ€œpanicโ€ is usually used to handle unrecoverable errors and โ€œdef

interview questions

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