How to Enable Business Event in Oracle Fusion

Oracle Fusion ERP Cloud business events helps us to know what transaction has happened in Oracle Fusion. During integration, you can subscribe to a business event to trigger a downstream application from Oracle Fusion.

Let’s look at an example with OIC.

suppose in a use case you have to create an order in another system whenever an order is submitted in Oracle order management. You will create an OIC process to subscribe to an Order management business event in OIC via the ERP cloud adapter and then design an orchestration process to connect to downstream applications and create a similar order.

Oracle Fusion Business Event not triggering

Many times developer face the challenge of business events not triggering and hence their OIC process does not trigger.

So the solution for that is a simple Rest API. You can use it to check the status of the event and then PATCH it to enable.


In the below example, you use the URL to query (GET) all the business events and see the Status

see the value of businesseventcode we are looking to get the status of the business event StandardReceiptCreated . The value of  EnabledFlag is False. Means the business event is disabled.

image enable business event in Oracle Fusion 2

How to enable the business event.

USE the Operation PATCH to enable the event.{ErpBusinessEventId}

in our example

Pass the payload as


    "EnabledFlag": true

image 1 enable business event in Oracle Fusion 3

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